Steam pressure washer vs. hot water pressure washers, what’s best for your cleaning needs? Alkota has been manufacturing steam and hot water cleaning equipment since 1964. So we know a thing or two when it comes to the pros and cons of this equipment. Lets explore the pro, cons, and options, when it comes to picking the best machine for you.
In this part of the series we wanted to discuss the benefits between Steam Pressure Washers and Hot Water Pressure Washers.
So let’s get to it: Steam vs Hot Water Pressure Washers:
Steam was the first on the cleaning scene, about 150 years! Discovered as a great way to remove grease and oil from equipment, steam cleanings benefits were apparent right away. Steam is an incredibly versatile cleaning solutions, from sanitation and pathogen elimination to aiding in the dry process of tobacco leaves.

Steam cleaners are great for the delicate processes, that don’t require high pressure cleaning. Projects like: degreasing, especially in food grade commercial areas, for sanitizing hog houses, and caked on grease on old tractors, and removing ice dams. Steam is perfect to get tough surfaces clean without having to worry about damaging paint, or delicate equipment.
Alkota has a tried and tested line up for steam pressure washers to help you get your project done right. Still USA owned and made, Alkota’s equipment is built to last. Check out our line up for steam pressure washer here.
Let’s check out the hot water pressure washer side of things. Hot water machines typically run at about 200 degrees, the the bigger difference. High Pressure. The typical industrial steam cleaning equipment is usually in the 250-400 PSI range, no where close to the average 2,000-4,000 PSI hot water pressure washer.
While hot water pressure washers don’t get as hot, they make up for in water flow and pressure, allowing you to tackle bigger project, in less time. The trade off really comes down to damage control. For cleaning things like heavy equipment, or surfaces such as concrete or stone, pressure won’t be an issue.

Hot water machines are much more versatile than steam cleaners with the ability to be used as a cold water machine (no heat) and have options to applying detergents and soaps to clean even more surfaces and messes.
Hot water pressure washers are designed to kick grime in half the time. It’s designed with our three key focus system: heat, agitation, detergent. Making it a great way to abrasively clean and sanitize projects.
Enter a third contender… The Combination.
We’re gonna introduce another option that might just help make your decision that much easier. Introducing the combination. Alkota has an steam add-on option that will fit most of our standard hot water pressure washers, allowing you to use steam on demand. By adding a combi, or combination add-on to your hot water machine, you can produce steam with your hot water pressure washer. We think for most cases, this might give you the best bang for your buck. Ask your local distributor about the steam option for pricing and options!
So Steam Cleaner vs. Hot Water Pressure Washer, What should you Choose?
It really comes down to your needs, and that one of the first questions we ask when you are looking for a pressure washer cleaning solution. The more details you have on your cleaning needs the better we can match you with a solution, whether it ends up being steam or hot water pressure, we have the cleaning solutions anything you can throw at us.